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 Alessandro Cracco PH Luca Barbieri

Nowadays, thanks to the TS/Onepiece modernity, it is possible to fly longer with notable horizontal shift. In order to reach the maximal performance obtainable, obviously the suit alone is not enough, it is necessary to acquire a specific technique through proper training.

BBS offer track courses hosted by specialized coaches, who are also some of the best trackers in the world. Each course has a dedicate coach, and all the jumps are done one to one, each of them filmed and recorded by the coach. Each jump has a briefing and a debriefing in order to correct eventual mistakes and maximize the learning process. The goal is to achieve the maximal control and performance of the TS/onepiece suit, and most of all, to execute the jump in total safety, which is the primary concern when jumping from terminal and sub terminal walls. In this way you will be able to enjoy each jump from the Brento mountain, in total autonomy and safety, which feature up to 35 free fall seconds.


  • Minimum 20 Terminal Jumps

  • To have your own BASE material.  Rent a rig

  • Buona attitudine psico fisica

  • Know how to pack your parachute  Check our packing service

  • Have good skills with one-piece / two-pieces in skydiving

  • Will to learn, in safety, having fun, respecting the ethical norms that rule the international BASE community.  


Tracking First Jump

Course  Schedule

The course includes 2 hours ground training , when it will be learned all the procedures in order to execute the tracksuit jump in total safety. 

- Exit techniques

- Basic flying skills ( angle of attak , vertical speed, horizontal speed, total speed ).

- Malfunctions and their causes management 

- BASE jumping related weather conditions

-Evaluation of the spot from which the jumps will be executed


- How to connect the tracksuit to the harness

- Pre jump checks

Exit training

- Free fall training

GPS use and functions related to BASE jumping

- Mutli-way jumps

- Advises on post course progression

Coaching Track



Once the Tracksuit course have been completed successfully, you will have the possibility to advance into the stage in which this discipline will be improved, refined, and perfected.

You can choose between one to one jumps or to participate to our workshops. Once you reach a suitable level , you will be part of our guided expeditions to the various exit points distributed across the valley, having the opportunity to experience different spots and environments. We constantly organize great events in beautiful spots, check our schedule so you don’t miss them. If you prefer the one to one system, contact us and book one of our instructors



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Coaching & Guiding

  • What is BASE jumping?
    BASE is an acronym made by the four principal spots used to jump ( Buildings-Antennas-Sppans-Earth). Differently from a skydiver, that jumps from airplanes or other vehicles, a BASE jumper jump from fixed spots, that can be natural as in the case of mountains, or artificial as in the case of bridges, buildings, and antennas. BASE is a discipline that differs from skydiving due to the materials used, the altitudes, the free fall times, and the dynamics of the jump.
  • How long does it last a BASE course?
    Dependently on the type of course and on the engagement of the student toward it, on average are necessary between 4 to 6 days to complete a basic FJC, and between 8 to 10 days to complete a full course, taking into account meteorologic conditions.
  • Why should I participate to a BASE course?
    BASE jumping is one of the most free and democratic discipline someone could do. You could easy take a parachute and jump from a mountain, but very easily that could be the first and last jump you do if something goes wrong, but no one can say no to your choice of doing it. The only thing that will help you to avoid that situation is knowledge and self love. Thinking of BASE jumping as a game for kids, or assuming that is enough to have a good experience as a skydiver are two causes of many victims in the past. But again, no one will say no to your beliefs if not yourself. On the contrary, if you participate to a BASE jumping course, organized by competent and recognized people in the international BASE jumping circuit, you will be able to calculate the potential risk and avoid situations in which you will not be able to manage unforeseen circumstances. We will put you in an optimal condition of quickly learn correctly the proper way of doing, staying into the threshold of acceptable risk. Furthermore, it will open the doors to the BASE jumpers community, a tribe with unwritten rules but with strong ethics. On you the next move!
  • Is it dangerous to do BASE jumping?
    Potentially, BASE jumping is a dangerous discipline, like many others outdoor activities, or like driving a car or a motorcycle in particular conditions. BASE will never be a 100% safe discipline, at the same level of any other sports conditioned by high speed performed in short time. Surely enough, a good technical, physical, and mental preparation, could make the difference between playing Russian roulette with your life and engage in an dangerous risky activity well prepared to handle it correctly and lucidly.
  • Why is it not used a reserve parachute (emergency) in BASE jumping?
    Generally speaking, BASE jump materials do not have a secondary reserve parachute, this is due to two main reasons.The first is because of the lower altitudes and the high speed involved in this discipline, which automatically exclude the possibility of having the material time to apply the standard emergency procedures present in skydiving. Secondly because of the nature of the BASE jumping parachute itself, which is already an improved version of a reserve canopy. Once a famous manufacturer of BASE parachutes said “We don’t jump without a reserve, we jump without the main parachute!
  • Can I participate to a BASE course without any skydiving experience?
    For sure not with BBS! We strongly recommend to NOT consider the idea of BASE jumping without the right experience in skydiving. Be aware of who does not take this point as of fundamental importance. BASE jumping without any skydiving experience could easily expose you to serious and unnecessary risks. Becoming a competent and well prepared BASE jumper requires time and dedication, there is nothing positive in taking shortcuts.
  • What level of autonomy will I reach after completing a BASE jump course?
    Once the student has completed successfully our BASE course, he or she will be in possess of all the fundamental technical abilities, and the proper mental attitude , to start and build his or her BASE jumping carrier. It depends entirely on the will of the BASE jumper, to fully take advantage of his or her own potential, in his or her own time and way. Without never loosing sight of the fact that this discipline is an activity on the limit, where every wrong decision or action could result in serious consequences. The courses, advanced camps, and coaching offered by BBS, will follow you also once you finished your preparation with us, structuring for you a post plan that better suits your exigences. We never leave our students on their own , it is a genuine pleasure for us as a school and as BASE jumpers to built an everlasting relationship based on friendship and trust with our students. We believe in mentoring rather than the standard course concept.
  • Can I use a tracksuit or a wingsuit during the BASE course?
    During the course are not been used track suits, wing suits or other subsidies.It is in the belief of the school to teach first how to walk and then how to run. Once the basic course is accomplished successfully, and the student wants to progress further in the discipline, we will be very pleased to advise and help the student to reach his or her goals. It is for this reason that we developed intermediate and advance courses. We prioritize the development of individual abilities one at the time, a priority that we have as school, that gives optimal results. We don’t want to teach advanced techniques to beginners who are taking the first steps into this discipline.
  • Will I receive photos or video ps of the jumps performed during the course?
    Certamente! Tutto il materiale video e foto verrà consegnato alla fine di ogni salto.
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